Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wal-Mart Dreams.

So, after weeks of sleeping in Wal-Mart parking lots night after night, we've discovered an interesting phenomena. We call them "Wal-Mart Dreams," where the bright lights in the parking lot keep us in a shallow sleep, which opens us up (apparently) to bizarre, extremely vivid dreams. For instance, one of the first nights, I woke Esther up trying to pull the emergency break, because I thought we were rolling foreward. Yup. Or, last night, I had a dream that I was haggling with some random guy over a pink reusable Shaw's bag in the trunk.
"You sellin' that bag over there?"
"How about a dollar twenty-five?"
"I'll give you a quarter for it."
"No way! Do you see this bag...?"
You get the idea.

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