Monday, October 10, 2011

Moose in our campsite, jackson, Wyoming.

Last night, just outside of Jackson, Wyoming, there were no Wal-Marts in sight. So we camped in Grand Teton National Forest (the #1 national forest for wildlife viewing in the country). When we checked in, the woman told us of how our campsite was a favorite spot for the huge bull moose in the park, and there were two females right next to the office. Great news. So we set up camp, and an hour or so later, we saw a huge bullmoose, massive rack and all, walking maybe a hundred yards away from our campsite. It moved along down the river on the other side of the trees, without giving us so much as a second look. As day turned to night, we saw no other signs of life. We sat by the fire, talking, when we heard what sounded like something big running down the river, towards our camp. It was pitch black out, and the splashing got closer and closer. Esther was terrified, I sat open mouthed and dumbfounded. Esther saw the spooked moose through the trees in the river, and we heard an electrical popping noise, and saw a blue light trace the power lines from the river, to the bathrooms, and all of the lights around us went out. Awesome. We grabbed the bear spray, and stood, one foot each in the car, listening (by the way, we were the only ones out of ten other campers around us who even noticed this). There was a silence for a few minutes, and then off about 200 yards away, we heard the moose making a whining, mooing, distressed moose sound, and we were sure wolves had brought it down. We slept in the car that night. The next day, we saw huge, deep hoof prints probably 20 feet from our fire pit, and saw two female moose on the other side of the campsite, foraging. I went to the bathroom, and saw a young bull moose, slightly racked, walk by the bathrooms, cross our road, and meander through our campsite. It went into the woods, and the massive bull from last night came out of the other side of the woods, again toward our campsite. Sweet, so now we get to see two huge bull moose tusk maybe 50 yards away. We sat, amazed and horrified as they slowly came together, kissed, and then locked antlers for a bit, and… I dunno, rubbed them together. Then they separated, walked away, and that was the last of our moose encounters for the day. We’ve lived in Maine our whole lives, but had to come to Wyoming to see moose alive, and with racks!!

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